value_separator: string that represents the separator that will be used between JSON keys and values.Usually this shouldn't be modified, to make sure the resulting JSON is valid. line_separator: string that represents the separator that will be used between lines.ensure_ascii: boolean that indicaes whether it should validate that all characters are ASCII characters.sort_keys: boolean that indicates whether the JSON keys should be sorted alphabetically.indent: integer that represents the number of spaces to be used.use_entire_file_if_no_selection: boolean that indicates whether the entire file should be used when there is no text selected.Here's a run down of the existing parameters, their meaning, and how you can configure each of them: From there you can also configure your own values.

Output will be opened in new view so you can once again apply jq on new bufferĬheck all the available configuration keys and their default values by using the Command Palette Ctrl+Shift+P and searching for Preferences: Pretty JSON Settings. jq” tool is available with ctrl+atl+shift+j
This will convert your selected JSON of full buffer to XML and “Pretty JSON: json2xml” (you can search for part of it like '2XML')

Using Command Palette Ctrl+Shift+P search for List of commands that can be mapped to shortcuts (eg: Packages/User/Default (Windows).sublime-keymap):

To map a key combination like Ctrl+Alt+M to the Minify command, JSON which later you can use in command lines (curl/httpie) or somewhere else… This will make selection or full buffer as single line (you can search for part of it like 'json minify') In case of found errors view will jump to error and will highlight it Compress / Minify JSON This will validate selection or full fileĪnd will show in dialog if it's valid or invalid. (you can search for partial string 'validate') Using Command Palette Ctrl+Shift+P find “Pretty JSON: Validate” If JSON is not valid it will be displayed in status bar of Sublime Text Validate JSON If selection is empty and configuration entry (you can search for part of it like 'pretty format') (or else it will try to use full view buffer) and through Command Palette Ctrl+Shift+P cd (MacOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages).cd (MacOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text/Packages).
Search for package: “ Pretty JSON” Manual Installation
Install this sublime text 3 / 4 package via Package Control Good documentation on key bindings I recommend you review the Offical Docs orĬommunity Docs Installation Package Control (Recommended) This also prevents key binding overrides which conflict with other packages. And to allowįor users to configure their own specific key bindings. That is to say, you can directly install JSON Viewer in Notepad.Prettify/Minify/Query/Goto/Validate/Lint JSON plugin for Sublime Text 3 & 4 UpdatesĪll keybindings have been removed in favor of the Command Palette. If you have Notepad++ version 7.6 or above, the Plugin Admin feature is available. The first way is to use JSON Viewer plugin and the other is to use JSTool.
How to format JSON in Notepad++? Here we will show you 2 simple ways with clear screenshots. It can also be used to format JSON Notepad++. The tree viewer for Notepad++ can handle 10MB larger JSON files. It supports 64-bit Notepad++ from version 1.20.0. JSTool, also called JavaScript Tool is another free JSON formatter Notepad++. So, it’s the most commonly used tool for Notepad format JSON. With this plugin installed in Notepad++, you can quickly format and even compress JSON data, and highlight parsing errors too. JSON Viewer is an online web-based plugin that can help you view, analyze, and format JSON data. The first is JSON Viewer, and the other is JSTool.

At present, there are 2 main Notepad++ JSON formatter plugins. However, if you want to let Notepad++ format JSON, you need to install certain plugins in Notepad++. CFG files in Windows 10/11”, format JSON notepad++, etc. This tool can be used to do many powerful tasks such as “ compare two files in Notepad++”, “ open. Notepad++ is a widely popular free text editor and source editor used on Microsoft Windows.